Monday, September 30, 2019

What Do You Do With a Chance: Goal Setting

Today, Ms Elder re-read us the book, What Do You Do With a Chance?

This time, we talked about what are "good" risks and "bad" risks like speeding, jumping off a cliff, eating a bottle of hot sauce, or trying on test even if you're not sure, trying something you haven't before in a sport, reading a challenging book, and putting your hand up at school.

We talked about the difference between a dream and a goal. We said that a dream is far-fetched, usually impossible, and is something we think about. A goal is something you work towards and try to achieve. It is possible if you work hard enough.

Ms Elder asked us to do some goal setting for this year. We had to set a goal for school (academic), for athletics (physical), and for friendships (social).

We are supposed to go home tonight and tell our families about our goals for the year!

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...