Dear Parents and Guardians,
This note is to inform you that the marked Geometry Quizzes were sent home today. As a grade group, we took up the questions together and students had the opportunity to correct their work in pen. The goal is for every student to understand mistakes they made. Please sit down with your child and go through the quiz. Celebrate successes and have them explain the questions they got wrong. They should know the correct answer now that we've discussed it together.
If they still need extra practice, I encourage them to revisit the assigned activities on Mathletics.
Note: The report card indicators for Math have changed this year across Alberta. Here are the new report card stems:
The Geometry Quiz reflects the new indicators. It has one mark at the top (Level 1-2-3-4), which will fall under the "Shape and Space" section in Math.
If you have any questions or concerns about the quizzes, please let me know.
Thanks, Ms Elder
How to View our Google Classroom
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