Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Public Art Creation

The students did a fabulous job on their Public Art Piece Presentations last week. We had great discussions as a class about the way different art pieces make people feel welcome (or not), and how public art can create a gathering place, beautify a space, attract tourists, and express creativity. Feedback from the presentations (teacher, student, and peer) went home today in backpacks.

Students are now ready to take everything they've learned and create their own models of public art pieces. As we have been discussing different forms of art in class, students can choose whether they'd like to create a mural, mosaic, collage, photograph, sculpture, etc.

Students will build/draw a model of their piece, and compose an artist's note that explains:
- what it would be made out of
- what message their piece portrays
- how it expresses that message

The goal of the piece is to build a sense of community/belonging through their art.

Students will be assessed on:
- LA Writing: Is the message of the piece clearly explained? Is the material of the piece included? Does the writing include proper punctuation and spelling (after a one-on-one teacher conference with assistance editing)?
- LA Represents ideas through a variety of media: Is the message of the piece clear from looking at the artwork?
- Social Studies Communication: Is a message of community-building evident through the art and writing?
- Art Technical Proficiency: Is the art piece well-executed? Is it drawn/built neatly?

The pieces will be created in class but students may wish to brainstorm at home and/or bring in materials from home.

You can support your child by continuing discussions of what the different forms of art are and how ideas can be represented creatively through different forms of media. You may wish to complete the Optional Homework sent home on September 30.

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...