Thursday, December 19, 2019

Grant Writing

Our notes from the first four videos
We would like to do the Wild Weather and Climate program at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in May. Our field trip budget is maxed out for the year so we are writing a grant to hopefully receive money from the Alberta Emerald Foundation to cover the cost of the trip.

This week, we watched the documentary series (click here) to learn about organizations in Alberta who got money last year from the Alberta Emerald Foundation. We completed our proposal and feel proud of the work we've done to try to receive this grant.

We found the videos inspiring because:

HUNKS: for their work stopping items for going into the landfill and instead to people in need
Edmonton Land Trust: for their work preventing habitat loss and building shelters for animals (like bee hotels)
Goodwill Impact Centre: for selling items at a low price to people in need and for repurposing items like making accessible bikes for kids with disabilities
Natural Asset Mapping: for mapping green spaces and setting up wildlife cameras to see the health of the habitat
SPUD: online grocery shopping allows people to buy less more frequently to cut down on food waste, as well as having one truck deliver what many cars would have bought. They use reusable packaging and will recycle for you

I liked the video SPUD because it was very inspirational. I loved how they were very sustainable by taking back the boxes and packaging so it can be reused again. ~ Desiree
I liked how SPUD used one car instead of multiple cars to deliver their items so they use less gas than lots of cars going to the grocery store. ~ Sophia
I liked how SPUD uses all recyclable materials. They reuse them. ~ Priya
I like how Edmonton Land Trust has bird boxes, bee hotels, bat boxes and owl boxes because I think it’s inspiring that animals have a shelter to go to. ~D
I’m very fond of how SPUD saved lots of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. ~ Abigail

I like how HUNKS reuses old furniture to save resources instead of destroying it by putting it in the landfill. ~ Silas

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...