Lay out 10 counters (could be anything!). Take turns picking up either one or two objects. The person who picks up the last cube loses. Challenge yourself to figure out how to win this game every time...there is a trick! We played this game in partners but you could play in a group of three.
Take turns saying out loud the numbers 1-10. In this game, you can choose to say either one, two, or three numbers. Whoever has to say 10 loses. We played this game in a big group in a circle. You can make it more interesting by playing with team members who you're also trying to "save" from getting out.
Math Square Puzzles
Find the missing number. These are easy to create on your own. :)

Everyone gets 6 small pieces of paper or sticky notes (we play with laminated squares that we can reuse). Roll the die and write the numeral on one of your squares. Pass the die to your partner and they roll. After all 6 rolls, rearrange your squares so that you are adding two 3-digit numbers. Whomever gets the highest sum wins!
To make the game more challenging, say that whomever gets a sum closest to ____ wins. This will cause students to use estimation strategies or guess-and-check to find the best answer.
To play as a Subtraction game, subtract two 3-digit numbers to see who can get the closest to 0.
Don't Break the Bank
Click here to find the rules.
It's very similar to the Place Value mix-up game but you don't get to rearrange the numbers.