Key skills we are working on with these summaries include:
- Finding the "main idea"
- Paraphrasing information in our own words
- Making personal connections with the text
Here are the two articles we read and summarized last week, with some student samples attached.
Turkey Chased by Police!
For the original article, click here.
The main message in this article was there's no need to call 911 because of a turkey. It's important because then the police are wasting their time when they could actually be helping other people. This article makes me feel happy and worried. It made me feel happy because it was kinda silly how people would call 911 over a turkey. I felt worried because if Turk does it again but people don't see him he could get lost. ~ Isla
The main message in this article was that too many people were calling 9-1-1 about the turkey. People must call 9-1-1 only in emergencies. This article makes me feel happy because the Turk is in a safe place which is Ramsay. ~ Nikita
Calgary Cheers!
The main message in this article is that people are cheering on their balconies and porches to support frontline workers! It is important because it's nice to support people that help us. This article makes me feel happy because so many people show appreciation for all the frontline workers! It also makes me feel thankful because people are willing to take the risk to protect us! ~ Priya
The main message was that people are banging pots and pans to say thank you to health care workers. This is important because people are notifying the health care workers to say thank for fighting covid 19 and taking in sick patients with covid 19. This article makes me feel happy and good inside because people are supporting the doctors and our doctors are trying their hardest to fight against covid 19. ~ Jaxton