Thursday, August 29, 2019


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Another year is upon us and I am thrilled to be teaching the Grade 4/5 class at Ramsay School this year. We have an exciting year of learning ahead for us centered around the themes of community, belonging, and citizenship.

We have already begun reading the book, Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett. This has brought up the questions: What is art? Who decides what art is and who is it for? Along with, How can art help create or dismantle a feeling of community? We will be discussing these ideas and taking many Community Walks to look at art around the surrounding areas. Please see the students’ first homework assignment in the next post due Tuesday, September 10.

From there, we will move into examining things to celebrate about Calgary and Canada and our history. As we look back in our past, we will also explore failures of our country and how we can right the wrongs of our past and better support groups in need. This will connect with a week of learning at Mustard Seed School February 24-28, 2020. There will be more information to come but please mark your calendars and let me know if you’re able to volunteer for this tremendous off-site learning opportunity.

For an in-depth look at our class work, please visit our website (here!) on a daily basis to see photos, reflections, assignment, and assessment details. This will replace the student agendas.

If at any point you any have questions or concerns, please email me at
We can find a time to meet in person or connect over the phone to address the issue. Our collaboration and communication is paramount in making this a successful year for your child.

I’m looking forward to working with you this year, and to seeing you at our school Welcome Back Picnic on Thursday, September 19 from 5:30-6:30pm.

Cheers to a great year!

Erin Elder
Grade 4/5 Teacher
Ramsay School

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...