Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ASSIGNMENT: Public Art Piece Presentation

This note went home today about our next Homework Assignment:

Public Art Piece Presentation

Homework due October 15

This month we have been discussing what art is. We have learned the difference between art that is funded publically and privately. We have taken Community Walks to examine different art pieces, what they are made out of, and what they represent.

Now, it’s your turn to choose your own piece of public art to examine. Here are the expectations:

1)    Choose a public art piece that we have not visited as a class. It can be a mural, statue, installation, etc.
2)    Email Ms Elder to see if it is a piece no one else has chosen yet: eeelder@cbe.ab.ca.
3)    Once Ms Elder tells you that you can do that piece, go visit it with a parent or guardian.
4)    Take your time studying it, sketching it, photographing it, and reading any information you can find about it.
5)    Be prepared to stand up in front of the class and:
a.     Show your sketch.
b.     Show a photograph of it (you can bring one in or email one ahead of time to Ms Elder).
c.     Tell the name of the piece.
d.     Tell the artist’s name.
e.     Tell what it’s made out of.
f.      Tell its location.
g.     Explain, to the best of your understanding, what the purpose of this art piece is or what its message is.
h.     Tell whether it was publically or privately funded.
i.      Explain what you like/don’t like about it.
j.      Describe whether you feel it creates a feeling of community or not and explain why you feel that way.

You will be assessed on:

Language Arts (Speaking): whether you can speak loudly and clearly for the class; whether you were prepared for the presentation (you are allowed to use notes).

Art (Analyzes, Evaluates, and Responds Critically to Art): your description of the art’s purpose and how you feel about it; your sketch.

Social Studies (Demonstrates knowledge of citizenship and identity): your description of whether the art pieces (yours and others that your peers present) build or dismantle a sense of community.
If you have any questions about this project, please email Ms Elder.

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...