Thursday, September 12, 2019

Class Community: Word Cloud

On the first day of school, Ms Elder gave us a slip of paper and we wrote down 5 adjectives each that describe what we want the class to be like. Ms Elder took our words and put them into a program that made a word cloud out of all of our words. The program counts the number of times each word is written down. The more people who wrote that word, the bigger the word is on the word cloud. So, if you look at the word cloud, you can tell that the class most wanted for us to be: helpful, then creative,  respectful, happy, and kind.

Next, Ms Elder gave each table group three of the words from the word cloud. We had to list ways that we could show that word. For example, if our group had the word "respectful," you could show respect by: listening when someone is talking, cleaning up after yourself, raising your hand when you want to speak, asking if you'd like to borrow something...

Then, we took pictures of what the action would look like. Here is an example of showing diversity (because they're reading different genres of books).

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...