First, Ms Elder read us the book, The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald. We brainstormed in point form about three body parts that we like and how they are special to us. Then, we chose the one we liked the most. We turned our notes into full sentences. Grade Fours were expected to write a minimum of five sentences, Grade Fives needed to write at least seven sentences.
As a class, we made a big list of sentence starters so that our writing was more persuasive. We used detailed words to describe our body part and why it was important.
Ms Elder had us do Dictionary Races. She would say a word, then we had to work in partners to find it in the dictionary.

Then, we had to show our work to two peer evaluators before we got to meet with Ms Elder. This is called Revising. When we were feeling proud of our work, we moved on to publishing our good copies.
Once our writing was finished, we drew a sketch of our Best Part of Me body part. Then today, we took a picture of our body part in front of a background we thought would look good.
Now, we're moving on to write the Best Parts of Us. We each have one person in the class to sneakily observe. Then we'll write about why they're special and important to our class.