Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Geometry Centres
Today we tried out some Geometry activities in different centres that Ms Elder set up.
For one of the centres, we got to make 3D figures out of paper nets. "I made a triangular prism."
~ C
At another centre, we got to build with Magna-blocks. We made nets and turned them into 3D figures. "I made a ferris wheel." ~ Desiree
"We used geoboards and elastic bands to make 2D shapes. We transferred our shapes onto grid paper." ~ Owen
"We used miras to trace objects over the line of symmetry." ~ D
"There was a centre with pentominoes. You have to try to make it into rectangles. This connects to our novel, Chasing Vermeer, because Calder uses pentominoes to make rectangles up to 12 pieces big." ~ P and Jaxton
In a blended Grade 4/5 class, we are learning about concepts together. In case you're curious about grade-specific expectations and what each grade will be assessed on,
Grade 4's need to: describe and construct rectangular and triangular prisms; identify and draw lines of symmetry in 2D shapes, and create symmetrical 2D shapes
Grade 5's need to: describe the characteristics of 2D shapes and 3D objects (ex: point out parallel/intersecting/perpendicular lines); and identify and sort quadrilaterals (rectangles/squares/trapezoids/parallelograms/rhombuses)
How to View our Google Classroom
Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...
Here are the steps for completing your quilting squares at home. If you didn't come into the school to pick yours up, you can make a new...
Monday is Orange Shirt Day. We have been having discussions in class about why we have Orange Shirt Day, who we are honouring, and what reco...
Here are the details for a Kids Writing Contest if you are interested in entering at home. We unfortunately are busy working on other thing...