Please remember to wear orange on Monday. If you're in the school, check out our bulletin board outside the Learning Commons.
Here are some of our reflections:
“We celebrate
Orange Shirt Day because we’re better together.
We know that it’s
better when we’re all different.”
“Children were taken away
from their parents and put into residential schools. Sometimes they weren’t
even allowed to come back to their parents. Some people died there.” ~ Bianca
“Children in residential
schools wanted to run away. Some escaped, and got lost or starved trying to
find their way home.” ~ Abigail
“Some residential schools had
a lot of diseases because they weren’t so sanitary.” ~ Jaxton
“My great-uncle, great-aunt,
and my grandpa were in a residential school.”
~ Desiree
“On Orange Shirt Day, we
honour the people who had to go to residential schools.” ~ Sophia
“We honour the families of
the children who were taken who would have been sad.” ~ Dhyana
“Some of the parents would
hide their children or say that they had died so that they wouldn’t have to
go.” ~ Abigail
“The people who went to
residential schools were treated badly.”
~ Desiree
“When people went to
residential schools, they had to learn English so when the kids went home, they
couldn’t understand their parents.” ~ Bianca
“They did summer breaks but
then kids were hid from going back, so they banned summer breaks.” ~ Jaxton
“They didn’t want the kids to
speak their own Indigenous language, they wanted them to speak English. They
forced them to speak English at a residential school.” ~ Priya & Ina