Inspired by our Best Part of Me activity, we wrote a Best Part of Us piece. We each had a classmate to watch sneakily for two weeks and notice great things about them. Then, we wrote about them and kept it a surprise. Today, we shared our writing pieces with the class. They made us feel warm and fuzzy!
Just like with the Best Part of Me responses, Grade 4's had to write 5 complete sentences and Grade 5's had to write 7. We brainstormed as a class different sentence starters to make our writing more interesting. We edited our work for capitals and periods, and conferenced with Ms Elder one-on-one to revise our ideas.
On Friday, we brought home both copies to share (the piece that we wrote ourselves and the one about us), along with our self and teacher-assessment. We hope they make you feel warm and fuzzy, too, just like this video: click here to watch the video.
How to View our Google Classroom
Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...

Here are the steps for completing your quilting squares at home. If you didn't come into the school to pick yours up, you can make a new...
Monday is Orange Shirt Day. We have been having discussions in class about why we have Orange Shirt Day, who we are honouring, and what reco...
Here are the details for a Kids Writing Contest if you are interested in entering at home. We unfortunately are busy working on other thing...