We will have a short quiz on Tuesday, December 3 to check-in on students' understanding of Number Concepts. Below are the expectations for each grade level.
Gr 4's:
- Represent a given number (up to 10 000) with Base Ten blocks
- Count Base Ten blocks to find a number (up to 10 000)
- Express a given numeral in expanded notation (100 + 20 + 5 = 125) up to 10 000
- Write the numeral represented by expanded notation up to 10 000
- Order numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least up to 10 000
- Explain the order by making references to place value
- Create a number given a set of numerals (ex: 4 5 7 2 could be 5724 or 7254...)
- Explain the meaning of each digit in a given 4-digit numeral (ex: 5724: the first digit represents five thousand, the second digit represents seven hundred...)
Gr 5's:
- Represent a given number (up to 10 000) with Base Ten blocks
- Count Base Ten blocks to find a number (up to 10 000)
- Express a given numeral in expanded notation (100 + 20 + 5 = 125) up to 1 000 000
- Express a given numeral in expanded notation with brackets (3 x 1000) + (2 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (6 x 1) = 3256
- Write the numeral represented by expanded notation (with or without brackets) up to 1 000 000
- Order numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least up to 1 000 000
- Explain the order by making references to place value
- Create a number given a set of numerals (ex: 4 5 7 2 could be 5724 or 7254...)
- Explain the meaning of each digit in a given 4-digit numeral (ex: 5724: the first digit represents five thousand, the second digit represents seven hundred...)
For practice, Number assignments have been added to Mathletics.
How to View our Google Classroom
Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...

Here are the steps for completing your quilting squares at home. If you didn't come into the school to pick yours up, you can make a new...
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