Our main reading focus for the book has been asking questions. With each section that we read, each student needs to ask an appropriate question that fits with what we just read. For example, after today's section, one might wonder: Are Hugo and Isabel related? How did she have the key to his father's machine?
This book is also an amazing example of how language and visuals work together to communicate meaning and enhance effect (Gr 4 Language Arts expectation).
When we finish the book, we will watch the movie in class and complete a book-movie comparison. It is an excellent example of the LA expectation: "Discuss and compare the ways similar topics are developed in different forms of oral, print, and other media." (Gr 4 and 5).
Today we finished reading Part One. Students were quite excited when leaving the class about how the story is progressing. I hope you have an enjoyable discussion about the book with your child. :)