Monday, January 27, 2020

Collaboration Techniques

In preparation for our big Animation project, we are learning different strategies for collaborating.

Cooperating = getting along with our team members
Collaborating = creating an idea together

The first technique we learned was the "Place Mat" strategy. This is where each person puts down their own ideas in their own place mat. Then, each person shares. Then, you put ideas you all agree on in the middle place mat.

The second technique we learned was the "First I thought, Now I think..." Each group was trying to plan a gym class (3 games). Each person wrote down their three favourite games that they'd like to play. Then, each group member shared. Then, you think about what you heard, and you change your idea or add in other ideas that you heard. Then, you share your new idea with everyone else. You keep going around the circle until you agree on the 3 games.

"We're doing this because we have a partner animation project coming up. The animations need to be BOTH people's ideas, not just one." ~ Bianca
"We're learning how to collaborate because our partners will be picked for us. We'll have to work together and agree." ~ Desiree
"We're doing this so that we can cooperate with our partners even if they're not our best friends." ~ Owen
"We're doing this so that we can collaborate ideas when we do our animation project without fighting and so we have more time to do it because animations take a long time." ~ Sophia
"We're doing this so that we can cooperate AND collaborate with our partners to get both of our ideas in there." ~ Abigail
"I learned that cooperating is very useful so that you don't argue with your partner." ~ Nikita
"I liked the place mat activity because you made up an animal that doesn't exist and it was fun. Then we made up an animal with all four ideas." ~ Priya
"I liked the activity because at first we got to do our own ideas, then at the end we got to combine our ideas to see what it makes." ~ Isla
"I liked how cooperating is easier than fighting over ideas." ~ Chloe

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...