Friday, January 24, 2020

Six Room Poetry Follow-Up

Last week, we had a visit from Ms Kelsey from Mustard Seed School (click here to see the post). She taught us a journalling technique called "Six Room Poetry."

You need to divide your paper into six sections. Each has a subtitle: Image, Light, Sound, Questions, Feelings, Theme.

We climbed up the hill and each found our own person spot. We looked around to see what we'd see for Images. We tried to be creative and as descriptive as possible.

Then, we chose our favourite lines and put them together in a poem.

We had to rearrange lines so that they were connected or had a theme.

"I loved how all of the class was very descriptive in their words, especially with how they felt. I also liked being outside and feeling peace in nature." ~ Desiree
"We started practising this because we're going to do this type of poetry when we go to Mustard Seed School in February." ~ D
"I liked how we could make it as creative as we wanted to. We could look around in a peaceful place and make juicy sentences." ~ Sophia
"I developed my grammar skills in this activity when I had a conference with Ms Elder." ~ Jaxton
"I liked being outside and noticing different noises." ~ Ina

Here are two samples of our work. It was very hard to choose!

It is ever so devastating that traffic bursts your creativity
Are the trees trying determinedly to talk to me?
Big birds exclaim, “Caw caw,” like a crow
And teeny, little chickadees say, “chick a dee dee dee.”

The chinook arch has blessed us for warmer weather
I am joyful
Nature is so beautifully loveable in peace
Nature is also lovable when
A jack rabbit apocalypse comes

The wind quietly blows into my ear

And bounces off my ear drum whispering “whooooo”.
~ Desiree

The trees are so tall they’re holding up the sky
I can see the birds fly
I can see the snow glow
I can hear the wind blow

It’s cloudy with some sun
Everyone’s having fun
I see the rink lights
Especially when it comes to night

When I lay down, the light blinds my eyes
I can hear guys
It’s very cold
And the sky is bold
~ Sophia 

How to View our Google Classroom

Hi Everyone, One last quick note from me: As per instructions, I have "Archived" our Google Classroom. You are still able to v...