On Day One, we met at the Mustard Seed. Ms Kelsey, our
Mustard Seed teacher, gave us a tour and told us the history of the Mustard
Seed. We got to see the residence the Mustard Seed has, their rec room, the
shared kitchen areas, and we watched a video to see what the rooms are like.
The Mustard Seed has long-term rental housing. The students started thinking
about what would be essential to have in a suite, such as a bed, dresser, desk,
or bathroom. When we’re back at school next week, we will continue this project
by designing an affordable housing room.

In the afternoon, we visited City Hall. We attended a City
Council Meeting to see democracy in action! We learned about a proposed land
change in Tuscany. Builders would like to build townhouses, so they need
permission from the city to build there. We heard that they have measured how
much traffic goes by each day, and they’ve engaged with community members so
they are informed about the plan and have had the chance to make suggestions
and ask questions. We were welcomed by the Ward 11 City Councilor, and got to
stand up while the room applauded for us!